Useful Documents

The purpose of Coping International is to assist children of the ordained and religious in navigating their way out of the imposed darkness of silence, conditioning, coercive control and abuse. The church as an institution sometimes is hostile to such openness; thankfully, there are church authorities who see the need to confirm the dignity of the children of the ordained, and the list of documents below, all hyperlinked will assist you in coming to understanding the true dignity of such children and their families, as well as the need for an open conversation on the given topic. These documents will also help you, your family and the local Ordinary (Bishop) come to a greater understanding of not only your story as the child of a priest but also the ever-growing positive response of the church to this issue, for the first time in the church’s history.

Documents From Coping International Limited.

  1. Papal Letter

  2. Vatican Confirm International Mandatory Reporting Authority

  3. Communication From The Congregation For Clergy Concerning Confidentiality Agreements.

  4. Letter Of The United States Bishop, 2019

  5. Irish Catholic Bishops, Confidentiality Agreements, 2015.

  6. Letter-from-Irish-Catholic-Bishops.-2017-2018. (1)
  7. Letter from the Catholic Episcopal Conference of England and Wales

  8. Letter from USCCB to Coping International, 2016.

  9. Canon Law Considerations, Priests Fathering Children.

  10. Letter From The UISG To Coping Re Guidelines.

  11. Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič, Permanent Observer of the Holy See
  12. Open Letter from Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.

  13. United Nations Children’s Rights Commission

  14. National Safeguarding Board of Ireland Re Children Of Priests.

  15. USG Letter Re Irish Bishops Guidelines.

  16. Letter from the Pontifical Commission For The Protection of Minors, 2022.
  17. Letter From Teresa Devlin, Pontifical Commission For The Safeguarding Of Minors Re Children Of catholic Priests, 2023.

  18. Letter From Cardinal Cupich

  19. Letter from The Philippines, Archbishop Villegas. 2015
  20. Letter of Irish Catholic Bishops to Coping, 2017

  21. Letter From Ombudsman For Children, Ireland, To Coping 2014.

  22. Madeleine Halpin General Manager, Tusla, Ireland.
  23. Letter Of Bill Kilgallon, Former Pontifical Committee For The Protection Of Minors Member, 2020.

  24. Letter From The Irish Catholic Bishops, December 2020.

  25. Comité Pontifical D’Analyse Théologique Des Sciences Historiques, Enfants De Prêtres, (Français.)

  26. Letter From Archbishop Eamon Martin To Coping, 2014.

  27. Osservatore Romano, Interview by Andrea Tornelli (Editorial Director For Vatican Communications) With Cardinal Stella, Congregation For Clergy Prefect, Concerning Children Of Priests. 2019.

  28. Letter From The Pontifical Commission For The Safeguarding Of Minors, 2017.

  29. Dicastery For Laity, family & Life Re. Children Of Priests, Local Ordinary & Competence.

  30. Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, Theological Analysis of the Phenomenon of Children of Priests (English.)

  31. Filipino Catholic Bishops Secretary communication Re Priests Kids, 2015
  32. Letter From The European Parliament Re Priests Kids. 2014