Concerning Confidentiality Agreements / Non-Disclosure Agreements.
It has come to the attention of Coping International Ltd., that in certain cases, the institution of the Roman Catholic Church (in an effort to protect itself and the image of the church) has used confidentiality agreements/non-disclosure agreements to silence mothers and children in a coercive manner. These agreements, where the natural freedoms of the mother and child are restricted, are nullified. The position of the Irish Bishops Conference and the Vatican Congregation for Clergy, respectively, is very clear and may be reviewed below by clicking on the hyperlinked file below in blue. If you were silenced, either formally or informally, in a written or verbal manner, contact Coping today to discuss your options in complete confidence. Know that the church must abide by what the Vatican states on this matter, regardless of where you live or where you signed/agreed to such an inhospitable, non-child-centered agreement. Furthermore, the United Nations has also condemned the use of confidentiality agreements in this context in 2014. The Vatican’s response to said UNCRC condemnation is pending.