Coping liaises with episcopal conferences globally, below, select the country of your choice, click the corresponding hyperlink, to learn more about what the church in your country are saying about this matter.
- France: Lettre de la Conférence épiscopale française.
- The United States of America: Letter-from-CCLV-November-2019
- Malta: Malta_Episcopal_Conference 2018.
- Kenya: Kenya
- Ireland: Irish Catholic Bishops.
- The Philippines: The Philippines.
- Canada: Canada
- Scotland: Scotland.
- Australia: Australia
- England & Wales: England & Wales.
- The Gambia & Sierra Leone: The Gambia & Sierra Leone.
- South Africa: South Africa.
- The UISG: UISG 2017 UISG 2019.
- The USG: USG